
#GHaP: Global Health and Power

Epidemic conversations Spring 2020 

#GHaP | Interview With Simukai Chigudu 20 04 15

#GHaP | Interview With Merlin Chowkwanyun 20 04 09

#GHaP | Interview With Marta Hanson 20 04 22

#GHaP | Interview With Sankaran Krishna 20 05 03

Curriculum Development

Designing curricula for changing times, updating my classroom practices with instructional technology, and spending time with students in custom-designed independent studies are a big part of my daily work. Some examples:

The Robots Are Coming! Social Theories of Work, Technology, and Difference (Informatics & History, cross-listed Undergraduate Seminar)

Ethics and Diversity in the History of the Biosciences (Public Health & History, cross-listed Undergraduate Lecture class)
Special Spring 2020 Covid-19 Curriculum: Power, Ethics, Epidemics

Technological India (Undergraduate History Seminar)

Gender, Empire and Science (Undergraduate, versions in Women’s Studies and in History)

Gender and the Politics of Nature (Women’s Studies Undergraduate Seminar)

Gender and the Politics of Information (Women’s Studies Undergraduate Seminar)

Gender, Biology and Environmental Ethics (Undergraduate Seminar cross-listed with Women’s Studies & Public Health)

• Women’s Studies Intro Series: Reproducing and Resisting Inequality (Undergraduate Lecture)

• Women’s Studies Intro Series: Gender and Popular Culture (Undergraduate Lecture)

• Women’s Studies Senior Undergraduate Seminar

•Modern Pleasures and Practices: Art, Science, Fiction, Technopolitics (Undergraduate Seminar)

Decolonizing Histories of Science and Technology (History Graduate Course)

South Asia: Science, Technology, Modernity (History Graduate Course)

Historical Methods research seminars (Graduate History Seminars)

Feminist Readings in/of Political Economy, Cultural Geography, Science Studies (Graduate Seminar, special topics)

Readings in Science, Technology and Empire (Graduate, intro)

Feminist Technoscience Studies (Graduate, special topics)

Feminist Knowledge and Social Change (Graduate, intro)

Subjects of Technology [Graduate, cross-listed with Informatics]

Information, Politics, Resistance [Graduate, Program in Arts, Computation, Engineering]

History and Theory [required First-Year seminar for History graduate students]

History Research Seminar [required Second-Year writing seminar for History graduate students]

Gender and History Research Seminar (required First-Year Research Seminar for History graduate students)

• Custom-designed, on demand: South Asian Historiography, Postcolonial Theory, Feminist Science Studies (Various Graduate Directed Reading Courses)

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